

Our Stand on Forced Labour and Human Rights Trafficking 

There were 50,000,000 victims of modern-day slavery globally as of 2023. This figure is from the ILO.

Human rights are at the core of the values we uphold at Zerodip. This is clear in how we run our operations. We are subject to all applicable laws.

We hold all employees who work with us in high regard and make sure they are adequately compensated for all work done on behalf of Zerodip. Also, we make sure all senior-junior relationships are based on professional standards, and any workplace abuse is not tolerated at Zerodip. There are mechanisms put in place to ensure there is zero infringement on the rights to a safe work environment for all staff at Zerodip.

All relevant employees, consultants, and our partners are encouraged to report any unethical or illegal activities within Zerodip, including any suspicion of human rights trafficking or forced labour, through our specified channels and laid-down procedure.

To ensure confidentiality and uphold integrity in the process, we have an independent and impartial third-party entity. Access to this entity is 24-hour and can be accessed by calling a phone line dedicated for this purpose

There is also strong effort and dedication to operate an ethical and legal business, and this extends to all partners and third parties contracted to work with us.

We also ensure that every individual that signs up for our platform gets equal opportunities to access all services, and no demographic is left out or denied access to quality home advice.

Due Diligence and Contracting Practises

In a bid to uphold our commitment to working with the best suppliers, we always conduct all necessary due diligence. This involves an extensive and rigorous process of questioning and analysing comprehensive data about them, particularly in areas that establish their stand on modern slavery and human trafficking. Our due diligence process is subject to frequent review to make sure we are in line with best practises that make for a safe work environment and business operations.

As part of the process of engaging new suppliers, we give careful consideration to our suppliers’ compliance with our due diligence requirements. We may delay or cancel the appointment of any supplier that does not agree with our stand on modern-day slavery.

We do this by evaluating the methods for contracting labour during the establishment of their offered services. We make sure our partners uphold the same principles we do for forced labour.